Today, well... actually last night. Last night I decided that I should take back full control of my health. But the problem was, how was I supposed to implement that when I hate exercising, I love food so much, I get tired easily, I get bored with routine exercise, and I feel so conscious wearing gym clothes.
These and more are what hindered/hinders me from actually achieving my dream of getting back in shape.

Yes, getting back because I was not like this 5 years ago. I had my heart broken around that time and it was downhill for me from then. I lost my will to look good, I wasn't inspired, I was self-pitying, I was down in the dumps. And so I ballooned into a size that I had never been on before.

My aunts and uncles encouraged me to get into law school so I could get out of the house, move around, and actually meet somebody. Well, well, well. As luck would have it, I'd soon finish my degree but I am yet to meet that elusive guy/Mr. Right. To make matters worse, law school actually stressed the shit out of me because how else are you going to pass all those law subjects if not for staying up late, reading piles of books, and anxiously answer your frightening professors. And so I succumbed to stress eating and here I am, 200 pounds and I can't bear to look myself on photos.

This has to stop.

So, my plan is to eat right, move a lot, and take back that old self that I loved so much but I just lost because life happened.

50 weeks. I will take this journey for 50 weeks. Approximately that's 11 months, as per Google's suggestion.

I will enter here what I did and do daily so I could achieve this audacious plan.

I hope I come out victorious on the other side.

Please help me, God.
